Mind & Soul

Do It Anyway

Little green snake at the Detroit Zoo

I’ve been trying to write a post to kick off the new year ever since … well … the calendar new year began. But I’ve been a bit too trapped in my thoughts coupled with the anxiety that comes with the knowledge that 2025 is going to be quite the roller coaster.

With that being said, the last thing I want is to feel stuck in a state of mental paralysis, so consider this post a midwinter’s shaking off of the cobwebs, snow, and psychological fatigue. In other words, I’m gearing up to do my best to navigate the waters of uncertainty while also pursuing the best things in life.

Sounds cheesy? 


I think a little bit of cautiously optimistic cheese is what my psyche needs about now. And what can I say? It pairs well with my favorite w[h]ine. 

Although last year was its own scary carnival ride, so to speak, I still managed to snatch joy from the jaws of defeat from time to time. Sure, 2024 started off tumultuous with a job search at the worst time of year, followed closely by the sudden loss of my pet Scheherazade. 

Scheherazade at home

Then, there was the general stress of freelancing, exercising, travel planning, job training, and life maintenance combined with the fear of significant political upheaval that dogged us all throughout the year – and not just here in the US of A. Did you know that at least 64 countries held major elections throughout 2024? 

Now regardless of whether you’re an apolitical zen statue or a tuned-in, turned-up activist set on changing the world, your life is affected by politics both in your home country and around the world. And I suspect, like me, the next few years (or decades) will make it difficult for you to plan ahead or to pursue your heart’s desires like you hoped to. 

But I’m here to say: You should do it anyway

If you want to start a business, do it anyway. If you want to change careers, do it anyway. If you want to write that novel or screenplay, do it anyway.

No time has ever been the “right” time because at no time in the history of human events have we not seen tyranny, subjugation or struggle. And although it’s important to prepare for the worst while maintaining our quality of life in the present, we must remember this: 

In the wake of disaster, people have built unshakeable foundations. In the shadow of oppression, people have found uncompromising hope. And in the throws of upheaval, people have shown remarkable strength. 

Now I’m the last person to give someone advice on how to achieve success in the traditional sense. But I know that maintaining our mental health will always be a part of the equation for any definition of success, and a part of that mental health journey is making sure that your ambitions are not abandoned because you’re living in a perpetual state of survival mode.

So with that said, here are some of my goals for the Year of the Snake. (It’s also not lost on me that I was born in the Year of the Snake, so I may be feeling a lot more in my element at this time.)

Keeping it simple, I plan to:

1 - Continue pursuing a career in the arts

Not to go into too much detail, but it’s clear that’s where my heart lies and what feeds me. So I will continue to follow that star. 

Kitchen gallery wall

2 - Adapt my freelance business & navigate to a more sustainable online platform

This is not an indictment of my current platform, but after 5 years of running my “storefront” on Webflow, I’m not sure if the ROI has been worthwhile. I’m still exploring my options, but I think I can find a secure platform that meets my needs as a creator that costs less than Webflow’s current pricing. ::crosses fingers::

3 - Transform my sanctuary (aka my home) into an oasis

The wording here is deliberately poetic because I’m feeling cheesy, remember? But also it serves as a reminder that I need to surround myself with what I want reflected back at me. In this case, a home that is a bit more colorful, a little more prepared, and a lot more organized.

4 - Build a Crossroads Kit for emergencies

I know it seems a little cryptic to refer to it as such, but that’s how I like to look at it. (creatives, am I right?) As someone who grew up in Tornado Alley and once resided in Southern California, I’m no stranger to the idea of a disaster preparedness kit. That’s why I’m making it a point to refresh, reassemble and restock a new one for the current climate today.

5 - Improve my holistic health & build a more balanced approach to life

So I know this one will be hard to measure, but I trust myself to know if I’ve succeeded in achieving this by the end of the year. And let’s be honest, this one is probably the most important on the list, especially given how my nation’s government is determined to destroy its citizens as thoroughly as possible.

But I do not intend to go gently into that good night. So with that in mind, I’ll be making a few trips to the doctor/dentist, meditating more, exercising more, reading more, unplugging more, creating more, and remembering that self-care isn’t just some trendy buzz word. It’s a necessity to a life worth living. 

Overall, my point to all of this is that pursuing what lifts you up in the face of adversity is more important now than ever. And to lift ourselves up we need ambitions that fuel us when life promises to drag us down. The answer to chaos is organization. The answer to confusion is clarity. And the answer to hate and violence is protecting yourself and the ones you love.

But let’s be clear, this is not a call to maintain a sense of “normalcy.” We do not live in normal times. And there’s no reason to pretend that we do. But that doesn’t mean we stop striving to live the life that makes our world worth fighting for.

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