The Freelance Life

Hoosier Hometown Pride - Crossword Style

IMS Centennial Celebration Logo

Today's 500 Mini-Marathon marks the official start of the Indy 500-themed fever that grips the Hoosier state every May. However, this year's affliction will be more expansive than usual thanks to the 2011 Centennial Celebration.

That's right. The May 29th race marks the 100-year anniversary of the Indianapolis 500. And of course, Indy is sparing no expense turning out the city. From the 500 Mini-Marathon charity race and Emerging Tech Day to the honorary Pace Car victory lap by 4-time Indy 500 winner A.J. Foyt, the Circle City is ready to get this monumental month-long festival under way.

Now, I may not be the world's biggest auto racing fan (The Indy MotoGP is more my speed), but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited about the upcoming events that will bring my hometown some much deserved appreciation, respect and praise. Between the 500 Centennial Celebration and the 2012 Super Bowl, the next 10 months will prove to be one of the most exciting, media-focused periods in Hoosier history.

But what if you're not a racing fan of any kind? What if you would like to visit the Circle City during all of this hubbub, but you want to take in something a little more focused on the arts or history? Well, have no fear ladies and gentlemen for I'm here to help you make the most of your visit to Indy, whether you're here for the 500, the Super Bowl or just passing through for one of the many events occurring in between.

I've created a fun and a-bit-loquacious crossword puzzle to shine a light on Indy's growing arts & culture scene in honor of this month's historic event. I want to give a hat tip to Susan Johnston for indirectly sparking this wonderful idea.

Below are 16 clues focused on Indianapolis' amazing contributions to the world of poetry, art, theater, dance, history and the multicultural community. I could've added many more events, locations and clues, but I didn't want to scare you. ;-) Enjoy!

Circle City A&C Crossword
CCA&C Across Clues
CCA&C Down Clues

Download a .pdf of this crossword if you want to take it with you.

And should you ever find yourself in the capital throughout the year, feel free to stop in and enjoy everything the city has to offer. I'll post the answers to the crossword next Saturday (with links), so be sure to watch this space.


Update: Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm back, ladies and gentlemen. As promised, I'm posting the answers to last week's crossword. I'm told that the puzzle was a little too hard for some, and a few had trouble tracking down the answers. I feel both proud and apologetic about that.

But have no fear, if I ever decide to do another crossword, I promise to either make it a little easier or provide hints. Also, there is a mistake in question #7, so if you didn't get that one, it's completely my fault. It's not "The Ladies Lounge." It's actually called "The Ladies of Legend." Sorry about that detail. I know it was a big one.

Okay. Without further delay, here are your answers:


3. Eiteljorg
6. Penrod
8. Landmark of Peace
10. IBE (Indiana Black Expo)
12. Big Car
13. Woodruff Place
14. Six
16. Kurt Vonnegut

1. Stephenson
2. Ron Spencer
4. IMA (Indiana Museum of Art)
5. Gregory Hancock
7. Talbott Street
9. Midtown Arts
11. Crown Hill
15. IRT (Indiana Repertory Theatre)

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