Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Go Streaked Lightning!

Pontiac Silver Streak main image

Why this is awesome: I came across this beautiful specimen while out running a few errands this past weekend and ... can I just say I had to resist the urge to run up and hug her! The owner came out of the store while I was snapping pictures. I immediately apologized for invading his privacy and assured him that I didn't take pictures of the license plates.

Pontiac Silver Streak photo 1
Pontiac Silver Streak photo 2

He quickly put my anxiety to rest with a casual: "No worries! I get it all the time." Although I regret not asking him the year of his vintage Pontiac Straight-8 Silver Streak, he did share that he inherited the car from his father, who inherited it from his father. Which means that luminescent copper beauty fits in perfectly with the 21-year production line of the Silver Streak. [They were discontinued in 1954.] ... Can I go back and hug it?

Pontiac Silver Streak photo 3
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