Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Inaugural Post

As you may recall, last month I mentioned you'll begin to see a few changes around here on my website and blog. Why? Well, I'm slowly turning my ship in a new direction. Not going backwards, mind you. Just altering the course as I head out on my next adventure.

In that vein, I've decided to kick up my photography skills a bit, while learning to relax when it comes to posting short, yet substantive pieces. However, since I don't own an awesome DSLR or enjoy photoshopping images to death, I'm going to keep it simple.

Twice a month. (Maybe more, maybe less.) I'll post a new photo that captures the art in our daily lives. It could be natural beauty I behold on a jog around the neighborhood. It could be  commissioned pieces on a street corner downtown. Heck, it could be a mindless doodle on a napkin.

Keep in mind, I'm nowhere near as talented with a camera as my amazingly gifted friend Angela, but that's the whole point. I hope to get better by learning what works and what doesn't. At the same time, I want to share those inspirational moments that brighten my day. It's my lotus moment.Got it? Great! Let's get started!

Action Figure Bill Carriers

Why this is awesome: Ate at a new (to me) cafe, and this is how they served me my bill. I thought it was a wonderfully creative way to deliver "bad" news.

Why this is awesome: In late July, my colleagues at my day job and I ventured up to Upper Montclair to run an ...
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: All That Matters Is How It Makes You Feel

Why this is awesome: In late July, my colleagues at my day job and I ventured up to Upper Montclair to run an ...

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I know it’s been a minute since I launched my series, Indie Artist Showcase, but I’m back with another installment for you kind-hearted readers who hung in there. I’ve been on a strange kookie journey since ...
Indie Artist Showcase

Indie Artist Showcase: TallNCurly.com

I know it’s been a minute since I launched my series, Indie Artist Showcase, but I’m back with another installment for you kind-hearted readers who hung in there. I’ve been on a strange kookie journey since ...

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It's been an interesting few months here at Incandescere. Ever since I've decided to take a different approach to my goals, my ...
The Freelance Life

Candace Nicholson: The Adventure Begins

It's been an interesting few months here at Incandescere. Ever since I've decided to take a different approach to my goals, my ...

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