Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Reggio And I

Caffe Reggio

Why This Is Awesome: Yesterday marked my 6-month anniversary of living on the East Coast, and like the move itself, it was a day of confusion, wonder, gratitude, exploration, depression and fatigue. I didn't quite know how to capture it or even if I should. But then I was reminded of my November visit to a Greenwich Village coffeehouse institution, Caffe Reggio.

Thinking I would find an inviting space that would trigger the nostalgic feelings I had for the Thirsty Scholar back home, instead I was met with a feeling of disappointment and overstimulation. I remember it being loud and somewhat chaotic. But at the same time, fascinating and hollow. The picture above does a marvelous job of seizing that maelstrom and holding it in a single frame.

Although the East Coast has been a place of constant contradictions, I'm glad I'm here. I haven't yet figured out why, but I'm glad I'm here.

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Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: The Soul of Venice

Why this is awesome: Venice Beach is one of those neighborhoods that attracts and repels people for the same exact ...

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Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Oh The Weather Outside Is ... Well

Why this is awesome: Thanks to a host of factors -- but namely climate change -- this year's Christmas holiday in the ...

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It seems the web has been all a buzz with rejection lately. No, I'm not talking about the legitimate ...
The Freelance Life

When Did We Become So Fearful of Change?

It seems the web has been all a buzz with rejection lately. No, I'm not talking about the legitimate ...

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