Why This Is Awesome: In the aftermath of the attack in Orlando, it warmed my heart to see the NYC Pride Parade so full of love, respect and determination to not let hate tear this community, this nation or this world apart. And nothing I saw captured that better than this float created by Tarab NYC and their amazing support of "Queer Middle Eastern and North African Fabulousness." Yes, you read that right!
Sure we can get mired in the pain of homophobia, Islamophobia and racism that played a role in the shooting in Orlando. But this group -- along with so many others in the parade -- instead chose to shout words of joy and encouragement and declare without hesitation: "Allah ♥ My Gay Ass!" How can you not cheer on that beautiful affirmation?
My current obsession is the Downtown Girl (DG) aesthetic, particularly what lies beyond the clothes and accessories?
Read MoreWise words from one of the premier voices of the Mexican Renaissance
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