Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Looking Up Redux

Looking Up Redux

Why This Is Awesome: I snapped this shot on the Storefront Project Gallery patio when I attended the Fumeroism exhibit two weeks ago. Some of the patrons were milling out back drinking wine and beer, catching up on each others' life events, and regurgitating American stereotypes like they were law. I felt out of place and uncertain. And while contemplating if leaving now would be selling myself short on the exhibit and the experience of going outside my comfort zone, I looked up.

In looking up, I found a peaceful moment of unassuming, quiet beauty in the common and overlooked texture, color and perspective of the fire escape. The thought of rising up to escape an unpleasant environment held a brief, but splendid fascination for me in those moments. I smiled. Took out my phone. Snapped a photo. And went back inside.

In doing so, I found the courage and will to stay.

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