Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: The Evolution Will Be Televised

Why This Is Awesome: I participated in the 50th Anniversary March on Washington yesterday. I took many photos, but this one speaks volumes. As we were marching, city workers were busy fixing an electric line. Marchers asked the 2 men to take photos of the crowd with their cameras from their vantage point so they could share the images with family and friends.

The city workers were happy to oblige. They took phones and cameras, snapping as many photos as possible. We didn't know them. They didn't know us. But we all knew we were apart of something special.

A year ago, I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful event at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. ...

The Grass Is Plenty Green On Your Side Of The Fence

A year ago, I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful event at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. ...

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There’s an idea that writer’s block is a myth. The reality is that no one can be creative all the time. ...
The Freelance Life

Moving Beyond The Wall

There’s an idea that writer’s block is a myth. The reality is that no one can be creative all the time. ...

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Why This Is Awesome: This photo was taken on a Sunday, just not this past Sunday. While many of us are engaged in self-isolation or at least restricted movement during this Covid-19 outbreak, some of us are still making our way to local parks and
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Sunday In The Park

Why This Is Awesome: This photo was taken on a Sunday, just not this past Sunday. While many of us are engaged in self-isolation or at least restricted movement during this Covid-19 outbreak, some of us are still making our way to local parks and

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