Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Steel Horses Can Be Just As Beautiful As The Real Ones

Indian moto from above

Why This Is Awesome: In a recent attempt to learn more about the Garden State, I took a quick trip over to Mills Reservation for an introduction to hiking, Jersey-style.

It was a wee muggy thanks to the rainy spring we've had, but I enjoyed my stroll around the trail, taking in all the creatures (woodland and human alike) going about their day. But it was only at the end of my short hike did I see the highlight of my day: this gorgeous vintage Indian motorcycle.

If you recall, a few years ago, I happened across another vintage piece of American transportation history that I could not not snap a photo of before leaving it be. Well, the same goes for this beauty. Now I've never been a motorcycle fan, per se. I have no desire to own or even ride them. But I have no problem marveling at the engineering and design skill it takes to produce them, especially these classics.

I may never want to own one, but I can definitely understand the draw to these magnificent expressions of freedom, artistry and technical prowess. How about you?

Indian Motorcycle
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Lotus Moments

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