Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: The Spirit We Need Right Now

Why This Is Awesome: As many are still trying to figure out how to move forward in the wake of Covid-19 quarantines and finding our new-ish normal, I want to shine a light on a time when we cared little about social distancing and every mask worn was intended to complement our joy and declare our place in fighting for a better, more equal world.

There may not be a Pride celebration in the spaces outside our homes this year, but that can't stop us from remembering the days of gathering together to not only speak out on the issues disproportionately affecting LGBTQ+ communities, but to also rejoice in the lives created, rebuilt and manifested in the face of adversity.

The video above, along with the photos below, was shot during the 2016 Pride Parade in New York, only 2 weeks after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. As I stood just south of the 32nd St. and 5th Ave. intersection, I saw a community with so much to mourn, but instead chose to celebrate their lives, advocate for the lives of others, and remember those who were no longer with us. Now if that isn't the spirit we need right now, I don't know what is.

* Note: I deliberately chose photos that didn't include banks, credit card companies, media companies, and beverage companies. Why? Because that's not what Pride is truly about.

NYC Pride 7 2016

All Images & Video by Candace Nicholson

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