
Stepping Up The Game

Stairs by Alex Byworth

I'm not an optimist. An odd confession, I know. But it's true. I prefer to see the reality of every situation and prepare myself for as many outcomes as possible. What I've learned is -- despite pushback from everyone I meet -- that my commitment to being the world's first non-cynical realist (it's a thing!) works for me. So I take my many well-crafted plans and determine what is doable for a human being, then I try to aim above that at all times.

Sometimes I succeed. And sometimes I kick myself in the butt for not working harder.

Where am I going with this?! Well, after three highly eventful months on the East Coast, in my new digs and my new gig, I'm ready to ramp up my freelance schedule and take on new assignments and customers. I've also added a new element or two to my website and updated a few details about the master of the house. Here's a quick rundown of what's changed and where I'm headed:

Looking For A Little Arts & Culture

Last month I realized that with my hectic schedule, I was having a hard time keeping track of what events I planned to attend and which ones I'd hoped to attend should time and money be on my side. (I know. I live a hard life. #thestruggleisreal) So I decided to create a calendar of events, a wishlist if you will.

But instead of just keeping a personal calendar of where my heart wanted to take me, I thought I'd create a calendar to share with my fellow culturati. ... Wait. That sounds terrible. I apologize for using "culturati." I feel shame.

Anyway, if you take a gander to the right of the blog posts, located in the sidebar is a lovely blue, white and neon-ish calendar with that very wishlist of events currently on my radar. I may not make it to all of them -- in fact, I won't make it to most since some for this week are already sold out -- but it is a great measuring stick to see what I'm up to, even if I don't always write up a loquacious recount of all the fun.

Also, I wanted to offer an opportunity for my devoted readers to check out anything that may catch your fancy. I know you lie awake at night and wonder: "She enjoys some of the weirdest things. How can I learn more?" Well, ta da! The calendar will lead the way.

* Remember to scroll down. Some of the entries have multiple events on the same day. ;-)

You Don't Have To Take My Word For It

Like so many freelancers, I can be a bit neglectful about updating the more static pages of my website. Hey! They're static for a reason.

But there are certain places here in the land of Incandescere that needed a bit of tidying and upkeep. So I took it upon myself to take care of a couple of things. Namely, I added a few more kind words to my Testimonials page, and updated a word about my (re)location and availability on my FAQ page. Feel free to have a gander. And spread the word if you hear about anyone on the lookout for a charming, diligent wordsmith who needs to feed her appetite for helping others bring their vision into focus.

Better Get To Work

Wow! I normally adhere to the comedic power of threes, but alas, I don't have a third item to include in this entry. I guess that's a sign I need to stop talking about what I'm doing and just get back to doing it. That, or it may finally be my breakthrough where I write less, but say more. ... Hmmm. N'ah. We know that's not it.

Why this is awesome: In late July, my colleagues at my day job and I ventured up to Upper Montclair to run an ...
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: All That Matters Is How It Makes You Feel

Why this is awesome: In late July, my colleagues at my day job and I ventured up to Upper Montclair to run an ...

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Last night, the New York theatre community welcomed the first (and ironically, the last) of August Wilson's plays ...
Stage & Theatre

An August Beginning: Jitney at The Samuel J. Freidman Theatre

Last night, the New York theatre community welcomed the first (and ironically, the last) of August Wilson's plays ...

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Two weeks ago, I asked dear readers, "What Do You Consider Self-Care?" I mentioned that I was planning to gain a little R&R after a ...
Art & Mind

The Check-In - This Is What Self-Care Looks Like To Me

Two weeks ago, I asked dear readers, "What Do You Consider Self-Care?" I mentioned that I was planning to gain a little R&R after a ...

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